I'm having a Prufrock moment.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

So lately, I've been contemplating career choices. It may seem like an odd decision, but I am having the damndest time trying to decide between archaeology and a career in the arts. True, I could be an Archaeologist and an Artist simultaneously. However, becoming an Archaeologist requires more schooling and more money. If I find out I don't like the profession I will have wasted all that time and money on nothing. Yet, would I regret not doing it? On the other hand, having a career in a design career wouldn't require as much money and I would be able to get a job in a variety of locations. And yet, my self-confidence is the hindrance on this one. Am I really that good and that creative enough to sustain such a career? I'm told all the time that I'm good at art, yet I'm usually the last one to believe it and am constantly doubting myself. I fear that this fear and indecision will lead me to a stale and meaningless existence, and yet I still can't reach a decision.

I feel rather directionless in life and wish there was something that I could turn to and ask, "What am I supposed to be doing with my life??", and get a clear answer back. I'm trying to work on reaching a decision, but it seems as soon as I get comfortable with something I become dissatisfied with it and want to move on to something else. I'm interested in so many different things. How on earth am I ever going to pick just one thing to devote my life to? Everyone else makes this look so easy...

I don't want to have simply measured my life out in coffee spoons.


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