That Skinny Bitch

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I was watching a television program this morning when the topic of weight, most notably that of being too thin, came up for discussion. One of the hosts spoke up in defense of the thin people saying that a lot of people are very hateful towards those thin individuals oftentimes because they are envious and jealous. I for one would have to agree.

There is countless support for "thick" girls out there battling their body issues, a movement which has arisen as a retaliation against the American media and society's obsession with thinness and its perception of "beauty". As a thicker girl with curves myself I am all for this. However, I am not one of those girls who hates the skinny girl because of her weight. If I don't want heckles and criticisms with my natural shape, why would I endorse or participate in that same hateful behavior to someone with the opposite shape? When I see the curvy or the overweight (indeed, you CAN be overweight, not just "curvy") make fun of and be cruel to someone smaller than them it upsets me. If the explanation that your shape is natural is an acceptable one, then that should also be acceptable for girls of a smaller size. If you have something cruel or jeering to say to someone who is a size 2 versus your size 10, then you should at least have the backbone to admit that what you're saying IS in fact coming from a place of envy and insecurity.

I really cannot stand hypocrisy in any form. I am not perfect and I have faults like anyone else, but I will accept and acknowledge mine. I accept people of all shapes, sizes, colors and sexualities and I think it's high time that a lot more people started doing the same.



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